Título profesional
Ingeniero Civil Industrial, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2006.
Grados académicos
Master de sciences et technologies, Mention Mathématiques Appliquées, Spécialité Mathématiques de la Modélisation. École Polytechnique, France, 2009.
Docteur de la Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Doctorat en Sciences Économiques, France, 2018.
Docteur de la Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Doctorat en Sciences Économiques, France, 2018.
Fuertes, G., Zamorano, J., Alfaro, M., Vargas, M., Sabattin, J., Duran, C., … & Rivera, R. (2022). Opportunities of the Technological Trends Linked to Industry 4.0 for Achieve Sustainable Manufacturing Objectives. Sustainability, 14(18), 11118.
Zamorano, J., Alfaro, M., de Oliveira, V. M., Fuertes, G., Durán, C., Ternero, R., … & Vargas, M. (2021). New manufacturing challenges facing sustainability. Manufacturing Letters, 30, 19-22.
Alexandra, G., Mariia, L., & Jorge, Z. (2020). Investments in Contemporary Russian Artwork as an Alternative Form of Investment. Корпоративные финансы, 14(3), 7-18.
Nicolaï, J. P., & Zamorano, J. (2018). Differentiating permit allocation across areas. Annals of Economics and Statistics/Annales d’Économie et de Statistique, (132), 105-128.
Nicolaï, J. P., & Zamorano, J. (2018). Windfall profits under pollution permits and output-based allocation. Environmental and Resource Economics, 69(4), 661-691.
Revistas Indexadas y de corriente principal
- Quezada, L., Chiu, A.F.S, Gouvea da Costa, S.E. and Tan, K.H., (2017), “Operational Excellence towards Sustainable Developments Goals through Industry 4.0”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 190, pp. 1-2.
- López-Ospina, H., Quezada, L., Barros, R., González, M.A. and Palominos, P. (2017), “A method for designing strategy maps using DEMATEL and linear programming”, Management Decision.
- Mac-Ginty, R., Oddershede, A. and Quezada, L., (2017), “Exploratory study of environmental education in engineering in Chile”, Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, Vol. 7, N° 8.
- Palominos P., Quezada L., Osorio C., Torres J. y Lippi L. (2016), “Calidad de los servicios educativos según los estudiantes de una universidad pública en Chile”, Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior (RIES), Volumen VII, Número 18, pp. 130-142.
- Gracia, M.D. and Quezada, L., (2016), “A framework for strategy formulation in sustainable supply chains: a case study in the electric industry”. Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, vol. 17, N° 1, pp. 3-27. DOI 10.1007/s11066-015-9098-3.
- Quezada, L. and López-Ospina, H., (2014), “A method for designing a strategy map using AHP and Linear Programming”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 158, pp. 244 – 255.
- Quezada, L., Palominos, P., Galleguillos, S., Olmedo, A., (2014), “A method for generating strategy maps using ANP”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 5, N° 8, pp. 1090-1104.
- Luis E. Quezada, Pedro I. Palominos, Miguel A. Gonzalez, (2013), “Application of AHP in the Design of a Strategy Map”, Journal of iBusiness (ISSN: 2150-4075), Vol 5, N° 3B, pp 133-137.
- Torres, D., Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Soto, I , (2013), «Evaluation of the perspectives of Balanced Scorecard through of a Multicriteria Analysis – Analytic Network Process (ANP)», Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, N° 3, pp. 298-308.
- Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E., Cordova F.M., Carrasco R.A., (2012), “Decision Support for Healthcare ICT Network System Appraisal”, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, Vol.7, Nª 5, pp. 924-932.
- Palominos, P., Quezada, L., Mondaca, G., (2009), “Modeling the response capability of a production system”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº 1, pp. 458-468.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Palominos, P., Godoy, K. Ross, J, (2009), “Method for identifying strategic objectives in strategy maps”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº1, pp. 492-500.
- Ceroni, J.A., Quezada, L.E., (2009), “Development of collaborative production systems in emerging economies”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº 1, pp. 1255-1256.
- Córdova, F, L. Quezada, L. Cañete», (2008), A Simulation model linked to a Knowledge Based System for evaluating policies in the operation of an underground mine». Int. Journal of Computers Communications and Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844, vol. 3, pp. 223 – 227.
- L.E. Quezada, F.M. Cordova, P. Palominos, C.OBrien (2006), “Conceptual model for the generation of performance measures in manufacturing firms”, Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.3, Nº 2, pp. 21-34. ISSN 1679-8171.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., C. O’Brien (2003), “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Manufacturing Strategy Formulation”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 10, Nº3, pp-204-212.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F, Palominos, P. and Ramírez, W., (2002), “A rapid tool for assessing manufacturing firms”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No 15, pp. 3931-3944.
- Quezada, L., F. Córdova, S. Widmer and C. O`Brien (1999) “A Methodology for Formulating a Business Strategy in Manufacturing Firms”. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 60-61, pp. 87-94.
- Gracia, M.D. and Quezada, L., (2015), “A framework for strategy formulation in sustainable supply chains: a case study in the electric industry”. Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, On line, DOI 10.1007/s11066-015-9098-3.
- Quezada, L. and López-Ospina, H., (2014), “A method for designing a strategy map using AHP and Linear Programming”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 158, pp. 244-255.
- Quezada, L., Palominos, P., Galleguillos, S., Olmedo, A., (2014), “A method for generating strategy maps using ANP”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 5, N° 8, pp. 1090-1104.
- Luis E. Quezada, Pedro I. Palominos, Miguel A. Gonzalez, (2013), “Application of AHP in the Design of a Strategy Map”, Journal of iBusiness (ISSN: 2150-4075), Vol 5, N° 3B, pp 133-137.
- Torres, D., Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Soto, I , (2013), «Evaluation of the perspectives of Balanced Scorecard through of a Multicriteria Analysis – Analytic Network Process (ANP)», Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, N° 3, pp. 298-308.
- Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E., Cordova F.M., Carrasco R.A., (2012), “Decision Support for Healthcare ICT Network System Appraisal”, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, Vol.7, Nª 5, pp. 924-932.
- Palominos, P., Quezada, L., Mondaca, G., (2009), “Modeling the response capability of a production system”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº 1, pp. 458-468.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Palominos, P., Godoy, K. Ross, J, (2009), “Method for identifying strategic objectives in strategy maps”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº1, pp. 492-500.
- Córdova, F, L. Quezada, L. Cañete», (2008), A Simulation model linked to a Knowledge Based System for evaluating policies in the operation of an underground mine». Int. Journal of Computers Communications and Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844, vol. 3, pp. 223 – 227.
- L.E. Quezada, F.M. Cordova, P.Palominos, C.OBrien (2006), “Conceptual model for the generation of performance measures in manufacturing firms”, Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.3, Nº 2, pp. 21-34. ISSN 1679-8171.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., C. O’Brien (2003), “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Manufacturing Strategy Formulation”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 10, Nº3, pp-204-212.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F, Palominos, P. and Ramírez, W., (2002), “A rapid tool for assessing manufacturing firms”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No 15, pp. 3931-3944.
- Quezada, L., F. Córdova, S. Widmer and C. O`Brien (1999) “A Methodology for Formulating a Business Strategy in Manufacturing Firms”. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 60-61, pp. 87-94.
Capítulos de libros
- Cordova, F.M and L.E. Quezada, (2008), “Conceptual model for the design of an intelligent supervising system for the operation of an underground mine”, From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence, Lofti A. Zadeh, Florin Gheorghe Filip, IoanDzitac (Eds.). Editing House of RomanianAcademy, ISSN 978-973-27-1678-6
- Palominos, P. y Quezada, L. (2005), Capítulo 13: “Evaluación de estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la transferencia tecnológica entre la universidad y la empresa”, en Toma de Decisiones en Escenarios Complejos, C. Garuti y M. Escudey (Editores)., Editorial Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Actas de Congresos
- F.M. Córdova, C.A. Durán, Luis E. Quezada (2014), Modelo de gestión del conocimiento de tipo hipertexto aplicado a una cadena logística en el sector retail. Proceeding ICPR Americas’ 2014, 134, Lima, Perú.
- Pedro Palominos B. Luis Quezada, ,Jéssica Bull (2014), An Economic Evaluation Model of Manufacturing Flexibility, 22ndInternational Conference on production Research, ICPR AMERICAS 2014, Lima, Perú.
- Gracia, M.D., L. Quezada (2014). A Methodological proposal for strategy formulation for sustainable supply chains. 7th International Conference on Production Research-America. Lima – Peru, 30th July – 2nd August 2014.
- F. M. Córdova , L. Canete, L. E. Quezada, F. Yanine (2014), “A Simulation model linked to a Knowledge Based System for evaluating policies in the operation of an underground mine”, Int. Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844, Vol. III (2014), Suppl. Issue: Proceedings of ICCCC 2014, pp. 223, 227.
- L. Quezada, P. Palominos, R. Galleguillos and A. Olmedo, (2013), “A method for generating strategy maps using ANP” Proceedings of the International Conference of Production Research, July 28-August 01. Foz de Iguazu, Brazil.
- Palominos, P., Quezada, L., Mondaca, G., (2013), “Influence of flexibility on total flow time of batches in manufacturing systems”. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference of Production Research, July 28-August 01. Foz de Iguazu, Brazil.
- Luis E. Quezada, Pedro I. Palominos, Miguel A. González, (2013), “Application of AHP in the Design of a Strategy Map”, Journal of iBusiness (ISSN:2150-4075), Vol 5, N° 3B, pp 133-137.
- Torres, D., Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Soto, I , (2013), «Evaluation of the perspectives of Balanced Scorecard through of a Multicriteria Analysis – Analytic Network Process (ANP)», Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, N° 3, pp. 298-308.
- Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E., Cordova F.M., Carrasco R.A., (2012), “Decision Support for Healthcare ICT Network System Appraisal”, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, Vol.7, Nª 5, pp. 924-932.
- L. Quezada, F. Cordova and M. A. Gonzalez, «Application of AHP in the Design of a Strategy Map», Proceedings of the International Conference on Management and Service Science, 11-13 August, 2012, Shanghai, China.
- F. M. Córdova, H. F. Cifuentes, L. E. Quezada, “Simulation Model of Scheduling Strategies in an Underground Mine using Petri Nets and Knowledge Based Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Engineering and Scientific Applications CESA 2012, 25-26 April 2012, Santiago, Chile.
- M. A. Gonzalez, L. Quezada, P. Palominos, A. Oddershede, «Aplicación de AHP para la construcción de un mapa estratégico en una empresa manufacturera», Proceedings of the International Conference of Production Research America 2012, 2-3 agosto, Santiago, Chile.
- P. Brochiero, L. Quezada, “Paradigmas institucional y decisional en el involucramiento de proyectos con stakeholders”, Proceedings of the International Conference of ProductionResearchAmerica 2012, 2-3 agosto, Santiago, Chile.
- L. Quezada and D. Quintero, “Quantitative model for the design of a strategy map”, Proceedings of the 21th. International Conference on Production Research, July 31 – August 4, 2011, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Torres, D., Quezada, L., Soto, I. and Lopez, M. (2010) ‘A new algorithm for evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard through AHP: a case study for electronic commerce B2C’, Proceedings ofthe 12th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations, Reading,UK. (Indexed by SCOPUS).
- J. Serey, L. Quezada, I. Soto, R. Carrasco, “Comparison and Development of a Competition Model for a Cryptosystem Based On The Analytic Network Process And Bayesian Networks”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE, IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 21-23 July, Newcastle, UK, 2010.
- J. Quiroga, L. Quezada, I. Soto, R. Carrasco, “Analytic Hierarchy Process Applied to a Wireless Sensor Network for the Cluster Head Selection”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE, IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 21-23 July, Newcastle, UK, 2010.
- L. Quezada, F. Córdova, S. Gutiérrez, «Conceptual model of a balanced scorecard for a community of actors” Proceedings of Americas International Conference on Production Research 2010, Bogotá, Colombia, 21-23 Julio, 2010.
- L. Quezada, Keynote Speaker: «Quantitative Methods in Manufacturing Strategy Formulation», International Conference of Management Innovation, Shanghai, June 7-9, 2010.
- L. Quezada, F. Córdova, P. Palominos, “Assigning priorities to strategic action plans using the balanced scorecard and the analytic network process”, Proceedings of the 20th. International Conference on Production Research”, 2-6 August. Shanghai, China, 2009.
- P. Palominos, V. Parada, M. Palma, L. Quezada, “Metaheuristic for the flow-shop problem: an approach based on bacterial chemotaxis”, Proceedings of the 20th. International Conference on Production Research”, 2-6 August. Shanghai, China, 2009.
- F. Córdova, L. Quezada, V. Olivares, “Petri nets model for the logistic of a manufacturing company”, Proceedings of the 20th. International Conference on Production Research, 2-6 August. Shanghai, China, 2009.
- Palominos, P., Quezada, L., Mondaca, G., (2009), “Modeling the response capability of a production system”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº 1, pp. 458-468.
- Quezada, L., Cordova, F., Palominos, P., Godoy, K. Ross, J, (2009), “Method for identifying strategic objectives in strategy maps”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 122, Nº1, pp. 492-500.
- Córdova, F, L. Quezada, L. Cañete», (2008), A Simulation model linked to a Knowledge Based System for evaluating policies in the operation of an underground mine». Int. Journal of Computers Communications and Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844, vol. 3, pp. 223 – 227.
- Córdova, F, L.Quezada (2008), «An Intelligent Supervising System for the Operation of an Undergound Mine, Int. Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, ISSN 1841-9836, vol. 3, pp.. 259 – 269.
- L. E. Quezada, F. M. Cordova, P. Palominos, D. Aguilera, (2008), “An ANP model for the generation of performance indicators for manufacturing firms””, 4th International Conference on Production Research America, 4 junio al 7 junio Sao Paulo, Brasil.
- Serey, J., Quezada, L., Soto, I., Ontiveros, B. and Carrasco, R., (2008),”Development of a competition model for cryptosystem based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process”, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 23-25 July 2008, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, pp. 368-372.
- J. Silva, L. Quezada, I.Soto, B. Ontiveros, R.Carrasco, (2008), “Route allocation in the transmission of data in a wsn using coding and zero-forcing beamforming”, The 2nd IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks” (ICWMMN2008), October 12-15, Beijing, China.
- F. Córdova, L. Cañete, L. Quezada “Simulation Model linked to a knowledge bases system for evaluating policies in the operation ofan underground mine, Proceedings of the International Conference of Computers, Communications & Control,2008.
- L. E. Quezada, F. M. Cordova, P. Palominos, K. Godoy, J. Ross, (2007), “A simple tool for the design of strategic maps”, 19th International Conference on Production Research, 29 julio al 2 agosto, Santiago, Chile.
- J. Serey, L.E. Quezada, B. Ontiveros and I. Soto, (2007), “Modelling the competition of technologies in the presence of wireless networks”, 19th International Conference on Production Research, 29 julio al 2 agosto, Santiago, Chile.
- L.E. Quezada, F.M. Cordova, P.Palominos, C.OBrien (2006), “Conceptual model for the generation of performance measures in manufacturing firms”, Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.3, Nº 2, pp. 21-34. ISSN 1679-8171.
- L.E. Quezada, F.M. Cordova, P.Palominos, C.OBrien (2006), “Conceptual model for the generation of performance measures in manufacturing firms”, International Conference on Production Research America 2006, 30 Julio al 2 de agosto, Curitiba,, Brasil.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Olivares, V., Sepulveda, S and Atero, R, (2005), “A dynamic re-scheduling system for an underground mine”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, 30 julio al 4 de agosto, Salerno, Italia.
- Sepúlveda, S. Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Olivares, V. and Atero, R, (2005), “A Constraint-Programming Model for Scheduling Vehicles in Underground Mining Operations”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, 30 julio al 4 de agosto, Salerno, Italia.
- F.M. Cordova, J. Sepulveda, L.E. Quezada, V. Olivares, L.R. Atero, (2005), “A Simulation Model Based on Petri Nets for the Operation of an Underground Mine”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, 30 julio al 4 de agosto, Salerno, Italia.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., Olivares, V., Sepulveda, S and Atero, R. (2004), “A scheduling system for the operation of an underground mine”, Proceedings of the 2º International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems” (SCMIS 2004), Hong Kong.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F., C. O’Brien (2003), “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Manufacturing Strategy Formulation”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 10, Nº3, pp-204-212.
- Quezada, L.,Córdova, F. and Palominos, P. (2003), “A study of the relationship between business and manufacturing performance”, 17th International Conference on Production Research, 3 a 7 de agosto, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F, Palominos, P. and Ramírez, W., (2002), “A rapid tool for assessing manufacturing firms”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No 15, pp. 3931-3944.
- Palominos, P., Quezada, L. and Cordova, F, (2001) “Method to support the development of design of modular products: a case of computer tables” ”, 16th International Conference on Production Research, 30 julio-3 de agosto, Praga, República Checa.
- Quezada, L., Cordova, F. and Palominos, P., (2001), “Value chain analysis as a tool for assessing manufacturing firms” ”, 16th International Conference on Production Research, 30 julio-3 de agosto, Praga, RepúblicaCheca.
- Cordova, F., Quezada, L., Olivares, V., Doggenweiler, C., Bassi, D. Briones, L and Atero, R., (2001), “Operation of a rock breaker in an underground mine”, 16th International Conference on Production Research, 30 julio-3 de agosto, Praga, RepúblicaCheca.
- Córdova, F., L. Quezada and P. Palominos, “A method of strategic material analysis in the process of supply chain management applied to manufacturing firms” (2000), X Congreso en Investigación de Operaciones, 4-8 de septiembre, Ciudad de México, México.
- Quezada, L., F. Córdova and C.O´Brien, (2000), “Evaluation of a manufacturing strategy formulation process: theory and illustration”, International Conference on Production Research 2000, 2-4 August, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Quezada, L., F. Córdova, S. Widmer and C. O`Brien (1999) “A Methodology for Formulating a Business Strategy in Manufacturing Firms”. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 60-61, pp. 87-94.
- Palominos, P., L. Quezada and F. Córdova, (1999), “Modelling of response capability of a production system by means of flexibility”, 15th International Conference on Production Research, 9-12 August, Limerick, Ireland, pp.1453-1455.
- Quezada, L., P. Palominos, F. Córdova y K. Karque, (1999), “Manufacturing Strategy in Practice: An Exploratory Study in Chilean Companies”, Eengenharia de Producao 99,1-4 de noviembre, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- F. Córdova, L. Quezada, R. Salinas and L. Neves, (1999), “R3: A mineral reduction system for underground mining”, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Mine and Mechanization and Automation”, 14-16 June, Ontario, Canada.
- Quezada, L., F. Córdova and C.O´Brien, (1999), “Application of AHP in Manufacturing Strategy Formulation: An Exploratory Study”, 15th International Conference on Production Research, 9-12 August, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 819-822.
- Quezada, L., F. Córdova, and C. O`Brien (1998) “A Hierarchical approach to manufacturing strategy formulation”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategies, ISMS 98, 18-20 November, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 171-176.
- Córdova, F., Quezada, L. And P. Palominos (1998) “A Supply Chain Management Methodology for Manufacturing Firms”. Proceedings of he International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategies, ISMS 98, 18-20 November, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 13-18.
- Quezada, L., Córdova, F. and O´Brien, C., (1996), “Strategic Assessment of Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Firms”, Proceedings of the IX International Working Seminar on Production Economics”, Igls, Austria, February, pp 13-30.
Proyectos de investigación
- Programa de Modernización Industrial del Sector de Bienes de Capital de América Latina. Programa ONUDI US/RLS/90/004, Participa como Experto Naciones Unidas en tema de Gestión Estratégica. 1993-1995.
- Automatización de los Vehículos Cargadores Frontales LHD de una Mina Subterránea. Proyecto FONDEF 2-27. Participa como gerente e investigador, 1994-1996.
- Gestión Estratégica en Empresas Manufactureras. Proyecto CEPRI-USACH-Gobierno Suizo, Experto Nacional, 1996-1998.
- Diseño de una metodología para formular estrategias en empresas manufactureras, Proyecto DICYT(USACH) N° 229, Investigador Principal, 1997-1999.
- Competitividad y productividad en empresas de manufactura desde un enfoque de gestión estratégica, Proyecto DICYT (USACH) N° 332, Co-investigador, 1996-1998.
- Desarrollo de una metodología para la formulación de estrategias de manufactura en empresas pequeñas y medianas. Tesis para la obtención del grado de PhD en “Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management”, Universidad de Nottingham, Inglaterra. 1995-2000.
- Robotización de Martillos Rompe-rocas en procesos de reducción de minerales en minería subterránea extractiva, Proyecto FONDEF N° D98I1039, Subdirector e Investigador, 1999-2003.
- Control supervisor virtual de operaciones para minas subterráneas. Proyecto FONDEF D01I1091, Subdirector e Investigador, 2003-2006.
- Diseño de una metodología de diseño de indicadores de gestión estratégicos para el área de operaciones de empresas manufactureras. Proyecto DICYT 060517QLL, 2005-2007. Investigador Principal.
- Análisis, modelado y optimización de la aplicación de tecnologías inalámbricas, Proyecto Anillo PBCTACT11-04, Co-Investigador, 2006-2008.
- Diseño de un método cuantitativo para definir mapas estratégicos en empresas manufactureras. Proyecto DICYT 061117QL, 2011-2013. Investigador Principal.
Tradición e