
Dr. Mario José López Villarroel

Título Profesional:

Profesor de Estado en Matemáticas y Física.  Universidad de Chile.

Grado Académico

Ph.D. Department of Educational Studies. University of Surrey.  Reino Unido.

Publicaciones Web of Science (WOS)

JP Bedon, MJ Lopez, IS Derpich. (2020). A home-based smart health model. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 12 (6), 1-16.
DOI: 10.1177/1687814020935282.

HR Ponce, RE Mayer, MS Loyola, MJ López. (2020). Study Activities That Foster Generative Learning: Notetaking, Graphic Organizer, and Questioning. Journal of Educational Computing Research 58 (2), 275-296.
DOI: 10.1177/0735633119865554.

HR Ponce, RE Mayer, J Sitthiworachart, MJ López. (2020). Effects on response time and accuracy of technology-enhanced cloze tests: an eye-tracking study. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68:2033–2053.
DOI: 10.1007/s11423-020-09740-1.

HR Ponce, RE Mayer, MJ López, MS Loyola. (2018). Adding interactive graphic organizers to a whole-class slideshow lesson. Instructional Science 46 (6), 973-988.
DOI: 10.1007/s11251-018-9465-1.

HR Ponce, RE Mayer, MS Loyola, MJ López, EE Méndez. (2018). When two computer-supported learning strategies are better than one: An eye-tracking study. Computers & Education 125, 376-388.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.024.

HR Ponce, RE Mayer, VA Figueroa, MJ López. (2018). Interactive highlighting for just-in-time formative assessment during whole-class instruction: effects on vocabulary learning and reading comprehension. Interactive Learning Environments 26 (1), 42-60.
DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2017.1282878.


M Lopez, H Ponce. (2018). System and method that internally converts PowerPoint non-editable and motionless slide show mode slides into editable and mobile slide show mode slides (iSlides). US Patent 10.019.424.

Publicaciones de Congresos (desde 2010)

Proyectos de investigación

Rol: Director.
Título: Desarrollo y evaluación experimental de iSlides-RC Móvil Web Add-in multiplataforma para PowerPoint, para asistir desde su modo proyección la interactividad completa y en vivo entre presentador y audiencia.
Código: Fondef IT18I0011.
Período: 2019 – 2021.
Monto: CLP 329.713.000.

Rol: Director.
Título: iSlides: diapositivas interactivas para PowerPoint en modo proyección para todas las disciplinas.
Código: Corfo 15VEIID-45646.
Período: 2015 – 2017.
Monto: CLP 283.442.500.

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