Dra. Astrid María Oddershede Herrera
Título profesional
Grados académicos
Master of Engineering, Industrial. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Publicaciones Web of Science (WOS)
Oddershede, A.; Macuada, C.; Quezada, L.; Montt, C. (2020). Automation Factors Influencing the Operation of Internet of Things (IoT) in Health Institutions: A Decision Support Methodology, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 15(4), 3878, 2020.
Hernan A. Silva ,Luis E. Quezada A. M. Oddershede, Pedro I. Palominos and Christopher O’Brien(2020) Method for Estimating Students ‘Desertion in Educational Institutions Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process , Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice,0(0) 1–25 , DOI: 10.1177/1521025120971227
- Montt, J.C. Castro, A. Valencia, A. Oddershede, L. Quezada (2020) Artificial Neural Network and a Nonlinear Regression Model for Predicting Electrical Pole Crash. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control Online ISSN 1841-9844, ISSN-L 1841-9836, Volume: 15, Issue: 5, Month: October, Year: 2020, Article Number: 3879,
Moraga, J., Quezada, L., Palominos, P., Oddershede, A., Silva, H., (2020), “A quantitative methodology to enhance a strategy map”, International Journal of Production Economics, 219, 43-53.
Quezada, L., López-Ospina, H., Palominos, P., Oddershede, A. (2018), “Identifying Causal Relationships in Strategy Maps using ANP and DEMATEL”, Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol. 118, pp. 170-179.
Mac-Ginty, R., Oddershede, A. and Quezada, L., (2017), “Exploratory study of environmental education in engineering in Chile”, Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, Vol. 7, N° 8, pp. 181-188. DOI: 10.26655/mjltm.2017.8.1
Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E., Cordova F.M., Carrasco R.A., (2012), “Decision Support for Healthcare ICT Network System Appraisal”, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, Vol.7, Nª 5, pp. 924-932. DOI:
Publicaciones SCOPUS
Valencia A., Montt C., Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E. (2020) A Micro Simulation Approach for a Sustainable Reduction Traffic Jam. In: Dzitac I., Dzitac S., Filip F., Kacprzyk J., Manolescu MJ., Oros H. (eds) Intelligent Methods in Computing, Communications and Control. ICCCC 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, AISC. Vol 1243.pp 206-219, 2021, Springer, Cham.
Macuada C.J., Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E., Palominos P.I. (2020) Methodological Proposal to Define the Degree of Automation in the Sanitary Industry in Chile to Adapt to Climate Change. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, AISC Vol 1243. pp. 284-295, 2021 Springer, Cham.
Quezada, L., Reinao, E., Palominos, P. and Oddershede, A., (2019), Measuring performance using SWOT analysis and balanced scorecard, Procedia Manufacturing, 39, 786-793. 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.01.430.
Oddershede, A. Quezada, L., Valenzuela, J, Palominos, P. & Lopez-Ospina, H., (2019), Formulation of a manufacturing strategy using the House of Quality, Procedia Manufacturing, 139, 843-850. 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.01.417.
Astrid Oddershede, Francisco Watkins, Luis Quezada ,2018 “ Methodology Proposal for Appraising Health Service ICT System Implication”Web of Science [v.5.29] – WOS Export Transfer Service
2018 7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC). Pages: 58-62. Published 2018. Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Reg. 08, Agora Univ Oradea, R&D Agora, Cercetare Dezvoltare Agora. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1934-6
Victor Olivares , Astrid Oddershede ,2018 “Technological Options Selection to Produce Ferric Chloride using Analytic Hierarchy Process Enhanced with Fuzzy Logic”Web of Science [v.5.29] – WOS Export Transfer Service 7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC). Pages: 47-51. Published 2018. Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Reg. 08, Agora Univ. Oradea, R&D Agora, Cercetare Dezvoltare Agora. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1934-6.
Claudio Macuada, Astrid Oddershede , Luis Quezada . 2018 “DM methodology for automating technology system in water treatment plants. “ Web of Science [v.5.29] – WOS Export Transfer Service International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC). Pages: 265-269. Published 2018. Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Reg. 08, Agora Univ. Oradea, R&D Agora, Cercetare Dezvoltare Agora. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1934-6
- Oddershede, Astrid , Mac-Ginty, Ronald; Quezada, Luis, 2017, Exploratory study of environmental education in engineering in Chile «Modern Journal Of Language Teaching Methods, Volumen: 7; Número: 8; Páginas: 346-353, WOS.
- Oddershede Astrid and Watkins, Francisco 2017, Perception of Human Values in Higher Education, Modern Journal Of Language Teaching Methods, Volume: 7; Número: 8; Páginas: 757-769
- Astrid Oddershede, Rolando A. Carrasco. (2016) “ICT Network assessment framework for Healthcare Service”, International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320, 2106, Volume 4, Issue -2, Feb.-2016.
- Astrid Oddershede, Rolando A. Carrasco. (2015) “ICT Network assessment framework for Healthcare Service” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. (A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal) 155.Abstract PDF 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0412155 Recent Issue Vol. 4 Issue 12, Dec 2015. PDF 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0412155
- M. Oddershede, J. Donoso, F. Farías P. Jarufe (2015). “ICT Support assessment in primary school teaching and learning through AHP”. Procedia Computer Science 55 ( 2015 ) 149 – 158. Elsevier .Available online at
- Macuada, A.M. Oddershede, R. Alarcon (2015) “Multi-Criteria Assessment to Automat WaterTreatment Plants Using The Analytical Hierarchy Process” Scopus). J. Global Business Advancement, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2015.
- M. Oddershede, F. M. Cordova, R.A. Carrasco. F. J. Watkins, (2014). “Decision Model for Assessing Healthcare ICT Support Implications: User Perception.” .International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (IJCCC), (ISI) ISSN 1841-9836, Volume: 9 (2014), N° 5: (October), pp 593-601.
- Mac-Ginty, A.M. Oddershede et al, (2013). “Strategic Foresight Using Analytic Hierarchy Process: Environmental Impact Assessment of the Electric Grid in 2025.” The International Journal Of The Analytic Hierarchy Process (IJAHP), Vol. 5, No 2 (2013). ISSN: 1936-6744.
- J. Watkins, R.A. Hinojosa, A.M. Oddershede, (2013) “Alternative Wireless Network Technology Implementation for Rural Zones” , International Journal Of Computers Communications & Control (IJCCC )(ISI) ISSN 1841-9836, Volume:8 (2013) , N° 1 : ( February ), pp 137-141.
- Oddershede A.M., Quezada L.E., Cordova F.M., Carrasco R.A., (2012) “ Decision Support for Healthcare ICT Network System Appraisal,” INT J COMPUT COMMUN, (ISI) ISSN 1841-9836, Volume:7(5):924-932, (2012)… .
- M Oddershede, R.A. Carrasco, E. Barham. (2008). “Multi-criteria Decision Model for Assessing Health Service Information Technology Network Support using the Analytic Hierarchy Process” , Ibero-American Journal of Computing, Computación y Sistemas, Quarterly Publication, Vol.12.pags.173-182 ISSN 1405-5546. nov (2008). (SCIELO).
- Oddershede, Astrid., Arias, Arnoldo., Cancino, Hugo. (2007). “Rural development decision support using the Analytic Hierarchy Process”. Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling. Volume 46, Numbers 7-8, October (2007). ISSN 0895-7177. (ISI).
- Oddershede, R. Carrasco, B. Ontiveros; « Perception of Wireless Technology Provision in Health Service using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (2006.) «, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 9, Volume 5, pages 1751-1757, ISSN 1109-2742, 2006.
- M. Oddershede, R. A. Carrasco. (2006.) « Information and Communications Technology Significance in Health Care: User Perception”. The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 82-89. April 2006. INSPEC& others. ISSN: 1744-2400.
Capítulo de Libros
- Herramientas Operativas para el Análisis Multicriterio del Desarrollo Económico Local. 600 paginas. Editores Leyva López JC, Avilés Ochoa E., Zepeda Rodríguez. México 2009.
A.M. Oddershede, R.A. Carrasco. “Modelo De Decisiones Multicriterio Para La Selección de una Institución de Salud: Percepción Del Usuario”, ISBN: 978-607-402-172-1
- Global Mobile Commerce: Strategies, Implementation and Case Studies,
A book edited by Dr. Wayne Huang, Dr. Y.L. Wang and Dr. John Day, Ohio University, USA, 2008. A.M. Oddershede, R.A. Carrasco. ”Perception of Mobile Technology Provision in Health Service”. ISBN 978-1-59904-558-0.
Publicaciones en Congresos (desde 2010)
Macuada, C.J., Oddershede, A.M, Quezada, L., (2018), DM Methodology for Automating Technology System in Water Treatment Plants, in I. Dzitac, F.G. Filip, M.J. Manolescu et al. (Eds.), 2018 7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC2018), Proceedings of, IEEE, ISBN 978-1-5386-1934-6, 265-269. 10.1109/ICCCC.2018.8390469
Macuada, C.J., Oddershede, A.M. and Quezada, L., (2018), Assessment of risk management method for automating an operational control Centre in a sanitary enterprise, 24rd International Conference of Production Research, July 30, August 03, Poznan, Poland. DOI: 10.12783/dtetr/icpr2017/17632
Oddershede, A.M., Watkins, F.J., and Quezada, L., (2018), Methodology Proposal for Appraising Health Service ICT System Implication, in I. Dzitac, F.G. Filip, M.J. Manolescu et al. (Eds.), 2018 7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC2018), Proceedings of, IEEE, ISBN 978-1-5386-1934-6, pp. 58-62. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCC.2018.8390437
- Quezada, J. Moraga, P. Palominos, A. Oddershede, (2017), A methodology for identifying causal relationships between objectives in a strategy map, using quantitative and qualitative tools, 24rd International Conference of Production Research, July 30, August 03, Poznan, Poland.
- Astrid Oddershede, Rolando A. Carrasco. (2015) “ICT Network assessment framework for Healthcare Service” .International Conference on Computer, Software, Networking and Information Technology (ICCSSNIT-15), Zurich, Switzerland. Dic .2015.International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. (A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal) 155.Abstract PDF 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0412155. Recent Issue Vol. 4 Issue 12, Dec. 2015. PDF 15680/IJIRSET.2015.0412155
- M. Oddershede, J. Donoso, F. Farías (2015). “ICT Support assessment in primary school teaching and learning through AHP” Proceedings Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM2015), International Academy of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (IAITQM). ( Brazil, Julio 2015.
- M. Oddershede, F. M. Cordova. J. Watkins, R.A. Carrasco. (2014). “Decision Model for Assessing Healthcare ICT Support Implications: User Perception”. Proceedings of Abstracts of ICCCC Papers, 4(2014), ISSN 1844-4334 International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control, ICCCC2014,organized by Agora University, Romania, Oradea, Bˇaile Felix, May 6-10, 2014 .
- J. Watkins, A.M. Oddershede, F.M. Cordova, R.A. Hinojosa. (2014). “Structuring a Mesh Wireless Network”, Proceedings of Abstracts of ICCCC Papers, 4(2014), ISSN 1844-4334 International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control, ICCCC2014,organized by Agora University, Romania, Oradea, Bˇaile Felix, May 6-10, 2014.
- Oddershede, Farías, J. Donoso, P. Jarufe (2013). “AHP Model For Primary School Teaching And Learning ICT Appraisal: User Perception”, Proceedings from the 12 International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Multicriteria Decision Making 2013. Organized by the International Islamic University of Malaysia, Bsure Solutions SDN BHD, 2013
- Macuada, R. Alarcon, A Oddershede (2013) “Multi-Criteria Assessment to Automate Water Treatment Plants Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process” Proceedings from the 12 International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Multicriteria Decision Making 2013. Organized by the International Islamic University of Malaysia, Bsure Solutions SDN BHD, 2013, BEST PAPER AWARD
- Mac-Ginty, R. Carrasco, A.Oddershede, et al (2013) “Strategic Foresight Using Analytic Hierarchy Process: Environmental Impact Assessment of The Electric Grid In 2025.” Proceedings from the 12 International Symposiums on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Multicriteria Decision Making 2013. Organized by the International Islamic University of Malaysia, Bsure Solutions SDN BHD, 2013.
- Macuada, A Oddershede (2013) “Proceso Jerárquico Analítico en la evaluación Multi criterio del Sistema Tecnológico en Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua”, Optima 2013 – X Congreso Chileno de Investigación Operativa, OPTIMA/RED-M, Concepción, 2013.
- Reitter, R. Peña, A Oddershede (2013) “El Proceso Analítico Jerárquico en la E cogestión de Operaciones: Caso Reutilización de Residuos Orgánicos.”, Optima 2013 – X Congreso Chileno de Investigación Operativa, OPTIMA/RED-M, Concepción, 2013.
- Oddershede, P. Jarufe, M.Montalva., (nov.2012) “Evaluación del Uso y Absorción de las TIC´s para la Gestión en Educación Superior: Percepción del Usuario” XXVIII Encuentro Nacional de Facultades de Administración y Economía. ENEFA2012.
- A. González, L. Quezada, P. Palominos, A. Oddershede, 2012 «Aplicación de AHP para la construcción de un mapa estratégico en una empresa manufacturera», Proceedings of the International Conference of Production Research América 2012, 2-3 agosto, Santiago, Chile.
- Astrid Oddershede*, Rolando Carrasco, 2011 “Healthcare ICT Network Evaluation using AHP”, proceedings of ISAHP 2011, XI Symposium, Sorrento, Naples, Italy, June 2011.
- Astrid Oddershede, Francisco Watkins, “Percepción del usuario de la trascendencia de sistema TIC en servicio de salud.” VII Congreso Chileno de estudios canadienses, ACHECA, Santiago 2011.
- Oddershede, M. Montalva, P. Jarufe. 2011 “Modelo para evaluar las tics en la gestión de servicio de salud: Percepción del usuario.” XXVII ENEFA 2011, Pucón, Noviembre 2011
- Astrid Oddershede*, Rolando Carrasco*, 2010. ”Methodology to Evaluate and Improve the QoS ICT Networks in the Healthcare Service”., 7th IEEE ICT International Symposium on Communications systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing CSNDP. Newcastle U.K, July, 2010.
- Astrid Pérez, Astrid Oddershede, M. Mena, 2010 “Wastewater treatment system selection using the AHP.” The Operations Research Society Annual Conference OR52, Egham, London, UK, , 2010.
Proyectos de investigación
Investigador Principal de proyecto: Metodología para evaluar la calidad de servicio de la Tecnología de Información y Comunicaciones y el uso de tecnologías 4.0 en Sector Salud en Chile. Código 061817OH Dicyt .2018-
Investigador Principal de proyecto” Metodología para evaluar la estructura de valores humanos a incorporar en la declaración institucional de educación superior (Código 061517OH) Dicyt 2015-.2017
Investigador Principal de proyecto “Metodología para evaluar Qos de Tecnología de información y comunicación en entidad de servicio en zona rural”. (DICYT, 2012-2014.)
Colaborador proyecto: «Plataforma Móvil para Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial.»,(DICYT 2003-2006.)
Co-investigador de los siguientes proyectos.
Proyecto Nº06-99-17GT. “Modelamiento Econométrico de la Oferta Frutícola en el País y Caracterización de las expectativas de los Productores” (1999 – 2003)
Proyecto Nº06-93-17GT. “El análisis de Componentes Principales en la construcción de Modelos Dinámicos de Oferta de Largo Plazo” (1993 – 1998)
Proyecto Nº06-87-17GT. “Modelos de Predicción Aplicados a la Agroindustria Nacional”. (1988–1993)
Tradición e